Archive:Resounding Smash

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Alpha-1 preview Tank Resounding Smash ability.[1]

The VFX are very placeholder. It’s easy in development to share FX types early on IE fire elements and to purpose those across many skills until we standup the additional elements and assign new FX to skills as we iterate and broaden out the VFX library.[2]Steven Sharif

Archived Alpha-1 Tank ability:

Let your power echo forth! Resounding Smash pounds the ground in front of you, dealing damage to all targets and generating threat. A second hit resounds on your primary target.[3]

Resounding Smash Icon.jpg

Rango 1
Strikes in front of you, then deal additional damage after a short delay to any targets that were initially struck.[4][5][1][6]
Rango 2
The delayed hit deals additional damage.[4][6]
Rango 3
The delayed hit returns mana to yourself.[4][6]

See also
