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Versione del 30 lug 2020 alle 18:01 di Bobzitto (discussione | contributi) (Undo revision 43799 by Vitinhow (talk))

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Ashes of Creation class list. Primary archetype is on the left. Secondary archetype is on the top.[1]

Classi are the combination of a primary and a secondary archetype.[2][3][4][1][5]

We have a specific terminology when referring to archetypes and classes. Classes are the combination of your secondary archetype with your primary archetype.[3]Steven Sharif

Come un giocatore progresses con il suo archetype primario (classe primaria), avranno l'opportunità di scegliere un archetipo secondario per augment le loro abilità primarie con gli effetti dell'archetipo secondario (classe secondaria).[6] La combinazione di archetipi primari and secondari è riferita come una Class.[5][1]

Se un Fighter scegliesse il Mage come archetipo secondario, il combattente diventerebbe uno Spellsword. Questa combinazione sblocca augments che possono essere applicati alle abilità nel loro skill tree primario. I combattenti hanno una abilità Rush che gli permette di scagliarsi contro un bersaglio; ed una volta raggiunto, infliggere del danno con una possibiltà di atterarlo. Un potenziamento Mage's escape può essere applicato all'abilità di carica, che può ora teletrasportare il giocatore verso il bersaglio; eliminando quindi il tempo di carica richiesto per l'abilità.[6]

Ogni abilità nel primary tree avrà diverse opzioni di augment dall'albero secondario. Questo è un esempio di horizontal progression.[6]

I giocatori ricevono skill points quando level. Questi possono essere usati per potenziare le abilità all'interno del loro albero.[7]

  • Non sarà possibile potenziare al massimo tutte le abilità di un albero.[7]
Icon Archetype Type.[8] Role.[9] Resource.[10][11]
Bard2.PNG Bard Arcane Support -
Cleric4.PNG Cleric Arcane Support Divine Power
Fighter2.PNG Fighter Martial Damage Combat Momentum
Mage3.PNG Mage Arcane Damage -
Ranger3.PNG Ranger Martial Damage -
Rogue2a.PNG Rogue Martial Damage -
Summoner3a.PNG Summoner Arcane - -
Tank1.PNG Tank Martial Tank Courage

Classes by archetype combination

Con 8 Archetipi da combinare, i giocatori potranno scegliere da 64 combinazioni totali per creare la loro class.[5][1]

Bard Cleric Fighter Mage Ranger Rogue Summoner Tank
Bard Minstrel Soul Weaver Tellsword Magician Song Warden Trickster Songcaller Siren
Cleric Scryer High Priest Templar Oracle Protector Shadow Disciple Shaman Apostle
Fighter Bladedancer Highsword Weapon Master Spellsword Hunter Shadowblade Bladecaller Dreadnought
Mage Sorcerer Acolyte Battle Mage Archwizard Spellhunter Shadow Caster Warlock Spellstone
Ranger Bowsinger Soulbow Strider Scion Hawkeye Scout Falconer Sentinel
Rogue Charlatan Cultist Duelist Nightspell Predator Assassin Shadow Lord Shadow Guardian
Summoner Enchanter Necromancer Wild Blade Spellmancer Beastmaster Shadowmancer Conjurer Brood Warden
Tank Argent Paladin Knight Spellshield Warden Nightshield Keeper Guardian


There will be match ups in 1v1s where one class will be superior to another; and that application should be a rock-paper-scissors dynamic. We want there to be counter-play between the different classes... Instead it's going to be a group focused balance, where as long as you have the diversity of classes present, that's going to be an equal level playing field. It's going to be very dependent on skill and strategy.[13]Steven Sharif
Balance-wise, there's a number of different interactions mechanically that you have within an ability that you can adjust in order to balance its power. The most most common ones are: Cooldown, Mana consumption, Damage done, Effect status conferred, Promotion of that effect status, Range.[14]Steven Sharif
When we move into Alpha 2 and we have a lot of data that's supporting the use of these particular abilities in combat settings, how often they're used, how often they result in death, what the average damage done by this archetype is comparatively to other damage done by different archetypes: All of that data gets logged and all of that data gets queried in order for us to refine the abilities so that they live in the environment we want them to. Now, that's not to mean that we're going to have a perfect balance across the board between the archetypes. Again, we're taking a rock-paper-scissor approach to balance, which means that some archetypes will do better against other archetypes and vice versa; and we're also not creating an environment where we want to have 1v1 balance. We are focused around group balance. Group composition is important.[12]Steven Sharif
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Even though augments do radically change the way your active skills provide you abilities, there's still a primary focus on the base archetype itself and not the 64 whole classes.[3]Steven Sharif
Certain archetypes are capable of moving the gap between their counterpart per-se. If I am a Tank archetype and a Mage is my counter, I can take a Mage secondary and bridge the divide slightly; and then move my identity that direction ever so slightly.[21]Steven Sharif

Class abilities

Alpha-1 preview primary skills.[22]

If from the eight archetypes whatever you choose as your secondary, you're going to receive a choice of augments that relate to some core ideal of that class. You know like a tank is about controlling the battlefield, is about surviving. The mage is about dealing damage and elements and ability in AoEs. The rogue is going to be about stealth and critical damage. So those augments are going to to play towards those identities.[23]Steven Sharif

The idea behind the system is that you're skirting the line through these augmentations of your role, right. We have the traditional holy trinity that's present in class designs for MMOs and it's often that those either are not deviated at all or completely deviated from entirely. The augment is to offer a balance between that where you still maintain the semblance of that trinity system while offering the opportunity to customize your play experience towards one of the other angles in the triangle.[24]Steven Sharif

Primary skills (class abilities) are based on a player's archetype.[25][6]

Siege abilities

Group summons are activated by a party leader with that ability in their class kit along with additive components from other classes that are part of the group.[32]

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Up to eight players of the same primary archetype can band together to create monumental effects during a siege.[33]

These are the types of systems that we want to put in place where groups of a single primary archetype can come together to summon these types of effects that play off of what the identity of that archetype is.[33]Steven Sharif



A player's primary archetype cannot be changed.[34][1]

When it comes to the primary archetype, that is a decision you'll want to make and you'll want to make sure it's the right decision, because it's permanent... You are going to create this identity that you can't just change on the fly. This is going to be something that you will know a person and you will know what their base archetype is and they're not just going to change from battle to battle. So that gives some consistency in the engagements and understanding reputation on the server.[34]Steven Sharif

When players choose their primary class, it’s not just dictating how the next several hundred hours of gameplay will go... It’s only the primary class that cannot be changed. And hey, that’s what alts are for![1]


The secondary archetype of a class may be changed, but not "on-the-fly".[35][34][36]

The secondary class choice, which comes after some time getting used to the world of Verra, will be more fluid. If you choose the Fighter and the Rogue to make a Shadowblade, but eventually want to try your hand at Summoning to make a Bladecaller, you’ll be able to do so.[1]
We don't want you to be able to change your secondary class or the augments you have applied out in the open. We want you to have to make a conscious choice somewhere at a NPC. The level of node necessary for that particular NPC to be available will likely be either at the Village stage or above. So, if you are far out in the wilderness exploring – and we have no instant teleportation in the world – you need to be conscientious of what your choices are; and not be able to change them on-the-fly.[37]Steven Sharif
  • Respeccing adventuring skills may require travelling to a specific location rather than being able to be done on-the-fly.[40]
    • Swapping between multiple saved specs may be able to be done after a suitable cooldown period.[35][38]

Class trials

There will not be a class trial system in Ashes of Creation.[41]

Racial abilities

Personaggio benefits in Ashes of Creation are tied to that character's background rather than their race.[42][43]

We want players to have the freedom to choose the race they want to play because they're excited about it, and avoid situations where players feel forced to play a specific race because of gameplay benefits.[44]
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Stat growth

  • Stats can be improved based on gear, tattoos, and other enhancements, such as socketed items.[48]
  • Players will have significant agency over the allocation of their stat progression.[48]
  • Gear has approximately a 40-50% influence on a players overall power in the game.[49]
  • Artisan profession does not affect a player's stats.[50]
  • Previously it was stated that race "seeds" a player's base stats, then the primary archetype grows the base stats.[51][45][46] Any contribution by the secondary archetype was later removed.[51]


Ashes of Creation has the traditional trinity of Tank, DPS (damage dealers) and Support (healer or non-healer) roles.[52][9][53]

We have our eight base archetypes; and the trinity is a pretty strong influence with regards to the eight base classes. However the area in which we actually begin to play with that line between the trinity is in the secondary classes that you can pick. That's where we begin to blend those spaces and allow people a little bit of influence over their role and whether or not they fit perfectly within a particular category within the trinity.[54]Steven Sharif

Weapons and Armor

Armi and armor are not class locked, but certain classes are more efficient with certain types of weapons or armor.[55][56][57][58] Certain abilities require certain items to be equipped.[59]

Weapons are intended to be somewhat agnostic in the sense that you can find a way for a weapon to be utilized by different classes. Not just the rogue is going to be able to use daggers. Because if you restrict equipment through that, it makes the economy more difficult to have sustainability across the market of items.[58]Steven Sharif
Q: We had stated that we were going to allow people to use any class combination, which would be both your archetypes together, being able to use any weapon. Do we see problems that could occur with that, for instance like a bow tank, or an orb tank or things like- will there be some strangeness there, or are there problems that you first are foreseeing in the future?
A: We're giving a lot of flexibility to the crafters in our game. They get to help define the stat block that a particular item, weapon, or gear has; and that stat block can be relevant to any particular class or archetype combination. So in that sense the idea is, no not to see any strangeness there or not to see any elements that would dissuade a person from that customization perspective.[60]Steven Sharif


We like to really refer to ourselves as a PvX game, because in those systems of PvP, PvE, crafting they're all intertwined: They're interdependent on each other... Our system of development really requires some interdependence there between those things. You're going to need a crafter to give you the best items. You're going to need PvPers to secure cities and castles. You're gonna need PvErs to take down those world bosses for those materials to craft.[61]Steven Sharif

Ashes is a comprehensive game. It is not a PvP focused or a PvE focused, it is a comprehensive PvX game and as a result these systems are all interconnected and have to coexist with one another with certain types of mechanisms that can provide that give and take, that push and shove.[62]Steven Sharif

Ashes of Creation is a PvX game. Players will naturally encounter both Pvp and PvE elements.[63][62][64][65] It is unlikely that a player could purely focus on just Pvp or just PvE.[62][61][64][65]

Ashes is a PvX game; and so in that regard, your ability to wholesale disconnect from the PvP elements of the game are likely not going to be entirely successful. Now, does that mean that you can reduce your exposure to PvP? A hundred percent; and there are multiple play paths and progression points that players can elect instead to be more PvE focused, but by the sheer nature of risk-versus-reward, and risk including not being able to predict how other players might impact your gameplay, that is an element of the innate risk that exists in the multiplayer environment of a PvX setting. So, not everybody is going to like that and we accept that; and we're not trying to build a game that everybody is going to like, because everybody it's doing that is not going to be successful, because there're just people with different interests; and you know we accept that and we're very on the nose about what we're trying to achieve. The idea is not to create a gank fest, is not to create a grief fest. That is not what PvX is; and so because of that we have certain mechanisms and systems that govern the way players engage in PvP and the majority of those are opt-in, but there is always that element of risk that's governed by the flagging system. And so, if you're interested in that I would take a look at the Wiki and look up what flagging is, and look up what corruption is. My experience tells me- and my expectations of the system are that they will signal significantly reduce a player's exposure to non-consensual PvP, but that risk is always going to be present to some degree.[63]Steven Sharif
  • Around 80% of the content is open-world, where healthy competition is an instigator for player friction; for potential cooperation; for the ability to yield alliances; and the political theater that comes with it. This is an intended part of the PvX game design.[67][68][69][70][71]
  • There won't be separate PvE and PvP servers but some servers may be more PvP focused than others.[63][64][72]
We're very clear with our objective and philosophy on the game and we understand that they may not appeal to everybody. But it is an important reciprocal relationship between the content that's related to PvE and the content that's related to PvP and they feed off of each other. They're catalysts for change: Their progression, their development. It's things that people can value when they see something earned and they see something lost. That elicits an emotional response from the player: That they've invested time in to either succeed or fail; and PvP allows for that element to be introduced into gameplay. And we're very clear that is our objective: That risk versus reward relationship, that achievement-based mentality. Not everybody's going to be a winner and that's okay.[71]Steven Sharif
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Non esisterà una schermata per la creazione del personaggio attiva in Alpha-0, ma esisteranno diverse opzioni di scelta per il giocatore.[76]


Alpha-1 Teaser.[80]

This is a true development alpha. This is not a marketing alpha; and what that means is as you know part of the process here in developing Ashes of Creation is being open with that development so you guys can see that progress; and it is a double-edged sword. There are going to be a spectrum of people that exists who are very involved with the game's development and those who are just completely at an arm's length away in understanding the process; and they may look at alpha one- the people who don't really understand the development process or haven't been a part of it- they may look at it and they may think oh you know this is trash, looks like trash, you know whatever it's the end-product. But at the end of the day what's important for us and what yields the best possible product is for us to include as much as possible the community in that development process with no NDA so that you guys give valuable feedback; and as we go through the iterative process in further defining the game and fleshing out that content were doing so with the player in mind and their voice in our ear. That is I think one of the key distinguishing factors between our development and many developments that you guys may have seen in the past.[81]Steven Sharif

Alpha-1 preview ancients mobs.[82]

What this experience for Alpha one is going to be- that month-long experience- it is not intended to be a content experience... It is not intended to be a game experience. It is not intended to be a fully-fledged content experience. So keep that in mind.[83]Steven Sharif

Alpha-1 was a testing release of the Ashes of Creation MMORPG.[85]

  • Gare
    • 4 playable races Kaelar, Vaelune, Dünir, Empyrean.[97][90]
      A lot of times people ask well why haven't we seen the other races and stuff? We want to establish the quality bar and process with these races first and then when we move into further content production for the other races we have have those pipelines in place and we have the processes in place and we know how to approach them.[98]

The weapon attack is an important component of the combat system, so we want to make sure that as we're doing this combat revamp that we are essentially taking into consideration player feedback and sentiment about how they want a reactive and more mobile weapon attack system.[99]Steven Sharif

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Ashes of Creation Apocalypse classes

Sei classi sono presenti in Ashes of Creation Apocalypse castle sieges e Ashes of Creation Apocalypse horde mode.[123]

Queste classi si riferiscono alla trinità delle classi: Tank, DPS e Support.[123][124]

  • Weapon skills sono applicate per aumentare le abilità di base di una classe.[125]
  • Le abilità della classe base possono essere selezionate da una serie di abilità disponibili per quella classe in base alla progressione di un giocatore durante quella stagione.[125][126]

Abbiamo avuto un po' di idee che esploreremo per quanto riguarda ciascuna delle classi che hanno una vasta scelta di abilità che i giocatori possono personalizzare il loro kit di abilità in base alla loro progressione entro una stagione, diciamo; quella progressione può essere ottenuta da una qualsiasi modalità e ti darebbe la possibilità di personalizzare quel kit di abilità per la modalità prima dell'assedio o la modalità orda. Ma è qualcosa che potrebbe venire in un secondo momento.[126]Steven Sharif

Ashes of Creation Apocalypse classes sono applicate solo a Ashes of Creation Apocalypse castle sieges e Ashes of Creation Apocalypse horde mode.[127]

Ashes of Creation Apocalypse healing

Healing in Ashes of Creation Apocalypse will be reticle based (action targeted).[128]

We have a few design theories on action combat and healing to began with phase one. Part of that will be the implementation of a class system into the castle siege and horde mode of phase one. Those will be kits that play out as skills available from an action perspective. You'll be able to target in proximity, basically so positioning is going to matter. Importantly, for healers being close to the individual party members you wish to heal. Additionally, you'll have reticle based healing methods. This would be a template that could be launched in that direction as a pulse of heels or augments. So there's a lot of different systems are playing with that you'll see more of when we get to those when we get to the castle siege system and the Ashes of Creation Apocalypse horde mode.[128]Steven Sharif

Community guides

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Ashes of Creation class list.
  2. Trasmissione in diretta, 2022-10-14 (15:44).
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Trasmissione in diretta, 2020-10-30 (33:26).
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Colloquio, 2020-07-18 (1:05:04).
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 archetypeclass.png
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 progression.png
  7. 7.0 7.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-07-28 (19:05).
  8. Colloquio, 2020-07-29 (49:53).
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Group dynamics blog.
  10. Trasmissione in diretta, 2023-04-28 (1:02:04).
  11. steven-class-resources.png
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Trasmissione in diretta, 2023-12-19 (1:25:16).
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Podcast, 2018-04-23 (59:28).
  14. 14.0 14.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2023-12-19 (1:23:00).
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Trasmissione in diretta, 2021-05-28 (1:13:05).
  16. Trasmissione in diretta, 2022-12-02 (1:05:51).
  17. 17.0 17.1 Colloquio, 2018-10-20 (2:40:17).
  18. Podcast, 2021-09-29 (30:04).
  19. Trasmissione in diretta, 2021-06-25 (1:05:01).
  20. Trasmissione in diretta, 2018-02-09 (41:56).
  21. 21.0 21.1 Podcast, 2018-04-23 (1:01:01).
  22. toast-keybinds-skills.png
  23. Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-10-16 (1:00:44).
  24. Colloquio, 2018-08-08 (22:27).
  25. 25.0 25.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2023-12-19 (1:20:41).
  26. 26.0 26.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2023-07-28 (1:04:27).
  27. class secondary.png
  28. Trasmissione in diretta, 2021-11-19 (50:38).
  29. Video, 2022-09-30 (17:00).
  30. Trasmissione in diretta, 2021-09-24 (1:18:06).
  31. Trasmissione in diretta, 2019-11-22 (41:02).
  32. Trasmissione in diretta, 2023-01-27 (1:33:42).
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 Podcast, 2018-05-11 (49:20).
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 Colloquio, 2020-07-29 (54:44).
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Trasmissione in diretta, 2022-09-30 (1:20:46).
  36. Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-07-18 (37:43).
  37. 37.0 37.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2018-04-8 (PM) (20:07).
  38. 38.0 38.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2020-10-30 (1:06:53).
  39. Podcast, 2017-05-04 (17:02).
  40. Trasmissione in diretta, 2023-12-19 (1:46:12).
  41. Trasmissione in diretta, 2018-04-8 (AM) (21:21).
  42. steven-backgrounds.png
  43. 43.0 43.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2023-02-24 (1:18:05).
  44. steven-backgrounds-racials.png
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-07-18 (35:58).
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-05-08 (43:30).
  47. Trasmissione in diretta, 2020-08-28 (2:05:21).
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 Trasmissione in diretta, 2023-01-27 (1:27:42).
  49. Colloquio, 2020-07-19 (53:59).
  50. Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-07-18 (37:25).
  51. 51.0 51.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2019-11-22 (1:4:56).
  52. Podcast, 2021-04-11 (13:30).
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 53.3 Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-05-22 (46:04).
  54. 54.0 54.1 Colloquio, 2018-10-20 (2:40:16).
  55. Colloquio, 2023-07-09 (1:38:34).
  56. weapon augments.png
  57. class weapons.png
  58. 58.0 58.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2018-05-04 (45:37).
  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 Trasmissione in diretta, 2018-02-09 (47:05).
  60. Trasmissione in diretta, 2022-06-30 (55:31).
  61. 61.0 61.1 Video, 2018-04-16 (1:32).
  62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 Podcast, 2021-04-11 (38:31).
  63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 Trasmissione in diretta, 2024-03-29 (2:27:46).
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-05-12 (24:52).
  65. 65.0 65.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-05-05 (33:25).
  66. Trasmissione in diretta, 2023-08-31 (20:54).
  67. Trasmissione in diretta, 2023-05-31 (45:47).
  68. Trasmissione in diretta, 2023-04-07 (55:22).
  69. Trasmissione in diretta, 2023-03-31 (1:00:16).
  70. Trasmissione in diretta, 2022-10-28 (32:52).
  71. 71.0 71.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-06-01 (37:39).
  72. MMORPG Interview, 2016-12-12.
  73. pvx stats.png
  74. Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-05-15 (14:05).
  75. 75.0 75.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-11-17 (14:57).
  76. Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-09-03 (30:31).
  77. 77.0 77.1 77.2 Trasmissione in diretta, 2017-09-03 (37:10).
  78. Video, 2017-08-30 (3:36).
  79. Trasmissione in diretta, 2018-05-04 (47:57).
  80. Video, 2021-07-14 (0:01).
  81. Trasmissione in diretta, 2020-10-30 (15:35).
  82. steven-a1-testing-leaks.png
  83. Trasmissione in diretta, 2021-03-26 (40:19).
  84. Trasmissione in diretta, 2020-03-28 (54:48).
  85. Video, 2018-04-05 (1:01:40).
  86. Colloquio, 2022-01-14 (3:50).
  87. steven-alpha-1-map.png
  88. 88.0 88.1 88.2 88.3 88.4 88.5 88.6 88.7 88.8 Trasmissione in diretta, 2021-04-30 (41:18).
  89. steven-launcher-leak.png
  90. 90.0 90.1 90.2 90.3 90.4 90.5 90.6 90.7 90.8 Newsletter, 2018-08-7
  91. Trasmissione in diretta, 2019-07-26 (1:10:44).
  92. 92.0 92.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2018-09-01 (1:02:99).
  93. 93.0 93.1 Colloquio, 2020-10-17 (53:50).
  94. 94.0 94.1 steven-ranger.png
  95. Trasmissione in diretta, 2020-03-28 (1:41:11).
  96. Colloquio, 2018-10-20 (12:38).
  97. Colloquio, 2021-06-13 (31:24).
  98. Trasmissione in diretta, 2021-05-28 (1:48:14).
  99. 99.0 99.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2021-05-28 (1:14:50).
  100. steven-combat-revamp-update.png
  101. Video, 2021-02-26 (6:17).
  102. 102.0 102.1 102.2 Trasmissione in diretta, 2021-03-26 (44:30).
  103. 103.0 103.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2020-11-30 (37:16).
  104. alpha-1-nodes.png
  105. alpha-1-zoi.png
  106. 106.0 106.1 106.2 Trasmissione in diretta, 2021-03-26 (43:55).
  107. Colloquio, 2018-08-08 (19:02).
  108. 108.0 108.1 108.2 Trasmissione in diretta, 2021-03-26 (42:28).
  109. 109.0 109.1 109.2 Colloquio, 2021-02-07 (35:30).
  110. Podcast, 2018-05-11 (59:25).
  111. Trasmissione in diretta, 2020-01-30 (35:12).
  112. 112.0 112.1 112.2 Trasmissione in diretta, 2021-03-26 (39:08).
  113. 113.0 113.1 Blog: Creative Director's Letter, October 16 2020
  114. 114.0 114.1 114.2 Video, 2021-04-30 (13:02).
  115. 115.0 115.1 steven-siege-zone.png
  116. Blog: Creative Director's Letter, April 14 2021
  117. Trasmissione in diretta, 2020-10-30 (20:40).
  118. Trasmissione in diretta, 2020-08-28 (1:29:17).
  119. 119.0 119.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2020-11-30 (24:51).
  120. steven-naval.png
  121. Trasmissione in diretta, 2021-06-25 (29:09).
  122. Colloquio, 2018-08-08 (18:55).
  123. 123.0 123.1 123.2 Trasmissione in diretta, 2019-01-11 (41:20).
  124. Colloquio, 2018-10-20 (11:38).
  125. 125.0 125.1 125.2 Colloquio, 2018-08-17 (8:16).
  126. 126.0 126.1 Trasmissione in diretta, 2019-01-11 (58:40).
  127. Reddit Q&A, 2019-01-8.
  128. 128.0 128.1 Colloquio, 2018-08-08 (19:40).
  129. 129.0 129.1 Colloquio, 2018-08-17 (12:05).
  130. 130.0 130.1 Colloquio, 2018-12-06 (2:04).