Talk:2018-05-04 Livestream

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We are live. hello everybody know hopefully these mics and audio and everything's working it's gonna be brilliant we'll find out shortly and Johnny are welcome to pull up the stream feed so you can see people's comments in case it's not working or working we have a bacon joining us today he's out he's out from behind the bacon which means we have John running the stream so if there are any problems everybody can blame him I'm just kidding no it's going good so it's been a while since we yeah we've been in years yeah at this one at this one pax was a pretty good one though pax is great yeah pax was a lot of fun oh by the way we got a lot of great feedback from everybody who did tune in for the pack streams Michael Bacon's already put together a really awesome schedule for the next pax and we're gonna do some shooting here and interviews you're gonna do some interviews at the studios and kind of have like a schedule to show them at the next pack semana which woops did we accidentally announce it I think we just did okay well the next packs and we're going to write my o's win then right we don't know until we officially announce what the next pax is so one pax in the future oh yeah one pax in the future very good so as many of you probably have already gotten our newsletter on gosh what days they say Friday I think it's Friday oh my god still feels like Monday the four may the may the fourth be with you exactly I was here with you the Box oh it's in the box what's in the box what's in the box I was bringing so he sent out the newsletter and we reflected a little bit on the fact that it has officially been now over one year since we start the Kickstarter a year longer it's longer faster it like I think back and I'm like it's been 10 years yeah but then it also feels like I was yes yesterday right yeah that's it's it's weird how it can feel both ways yeah it's been a pretty easy crazy that was a crazy day I remember I remember we came in and we had an office pool mm-hmm on how successful the Kickstarter would be like 1.5 or about there I think I was a 2.4 but Tristan said 3.5 I think he did when Tristan cheated we did she you didn't do it on the first Kristen you cheated on the office pool for the kick-start someone's Mike is doing the scratchy probably is I'm gonna make sure mines there is it me underneath okay testing for scratchiness hello testing testing scratch scratch jeans it is that's okay we can do it oh okay yeah it's fair use right that's that's true so anyways it was a pretty surreal day and it's really cool to look back and see over one year where we've come from and where we're at right now yeah I mean we're a totally different studio now at this point I mean we've more than doubled in size we have a game now which we didn't at the time and we had a prototype it didn't really you know wasn't what we've got now at the time right we had twelve thirteen people thinking working the project and we were really in a pre-production mode yeah right and today we have over 70 people working on the project 30 in-house over 30 in-house yeah and partners everywhere yes exactly across multiple time zones so it's really it's really interesting to just know that that amount of progress has occurred in less than 12 months yeah I mean that's great it's absolutely nuts relief like I can't even put it to words if you look at other studios you know that that shall remain nameless like like other a lot of time is spent doing nothing right and we we've really focused on making the game right like like making something happen and not really kind of you know should we do this you would do this we know exactly where we want to go and so we just do it right it is it is exciting to be a part of well I think it's really interesting because our our operational practices really focus on getting into testing and staying transparent open with the community right and that drives a lot of the progress for it as well yeah because once we say like hey we're gonna do this thing we need you guys to be a part of it we're obligated at that point we can't just say oops sorry we didn't do it well as you're standing within like X amount of space for me oh that's true we can't trust anything Stephen says because we have the bacon zone so close [Laughter] no but the other interesting thing was that you know as you were saying when we make the commitment to the community on certain dates you know we're beholdin we're not the Holden - you know investors or board you know or anything like that right we're really big hold into the community yep and delivering something in a timely fashion you know that is up to the standards that they come to expect exactly it's awesome I agree yeah and I mean it's it's like you know about making promises right like Kickstarter's are weird things we know the Kickstarter has sort of like a association with right and we see projects all the time that that don't make any progress and and that's not a dig at any right right for real like it's not it just it happens right like things that you don't expect happen and and they cause products to fail and so you know it's one of the things that we thought was really important is we need to show things to you know give our backers the understanding that hey we're fulfilling what we promised you guys and you know so we'll continue to do that the cool thing about that is and this whole process is that you can go on like our YouTube channel and you can scroll back a year in the videos and you can see what the game was in the state a year ago excuse me and then you can take a look at you know video that we can that we took last week right with testing our rates testing some of the node pvp after actually we should probably put that up we can just talk over while it's playing look we want to make sure that the volume on it is not too loud for the voices but let's try to throw that video up and see how that works pressure drop no pressure John

Alpha-0 raid footage


oh man he did first try and look at titles trial X is not gonna have any prompts at all everything before this yeah that media source that audio media source at the bottom nears yeah pull that uh a blue bar down a little bit a little bit more a little bit more more and more about 20% yeah right there all the way 20% power yeah so you guys you know can watch this now is this it's not choppy like that on the I'm not in the video not in the video okay very good no still be dropping a dragon it out of the room so this is some this is some footage that we did last week we were testing some raid mechanics getting ready for the first phase of alpha one that we can't hear the video at all but fit okay turn it up just a little bit there you go right there we just wanna make sure it's not too loud for the audio here but you know testing the some of the raid mechanics that you know we're prepping right now for first phase alpha one that we announced at PAX and you know a raid size right now is set to 40 obviously this be pre-alpha this is you know our alpha zero footage it was important for us to really really get the networking smooth for a lot of players on a screen showing off we've you know a lot of different effects and stuff so you can see in this video how kind of we run through both the dungeons and then later on you'll see some some PvP but yeah to look back really a year ago and and see those videos on YouTube where the game was then not just visually but you know mechanically anomic back in and all that stuff I mean we could get I could run a server locally on my computer and we could have you know eight people come on because that's what we had the office and like that was kind of it but now we have a full dedicated server that can run zillion people and I mean not literally it's bacon bacon so you know but I mean it you know it's it's a good feeling to see that this is like legit progress right it's not just like you know oh we've got you know new armor or something like that absolute it's you know we have a game now I loved watching honestly you know and the person being on the horse those are alpha horses don't pay any mind to models there ya know it's really cool to see the progress and it's really cool to have the community capable of seeing that progress as well but ya know you guys you guys have seen a lot of this area but I don't think you've seen when they enter well the area past the under realm yeah the kind of porous dungeon this is I love watching really the bunch of people on the screen because it takes me back to my my nostalgia of what makes mmo's so much fun really is playing with so many people and doing big content runs now in front of these more monsters I wasn't very ya mob of guys in the countryside whacking in well this was this is billed for no of course yeah this was this was part of the packs area that people ran through as a single group and this is just kind of rating through that area yeah so things are going good Jeff talk to us a little bit about and bacon obviously about what we're we're working towards now me how developments going really you know it's doing really well right like we've got some really serious processes involved now that was part of last year was kind of figuring out how to work as a team when we grow so big and to kind of keep everything working the way it's supposed to and communication lines stay open and you know we put Peter in the production role and that's worked out really well for that and so it's it's really about sort of you know taking advantage of all these people that we have we've got people working on tons of you assets designs working on a lot of the PvP stuff right now we've got you know some of our new environments and housing and like I think Xavier is working on some of the Ari's finished some of the tribal houses for one of the Dwarven races with our to fight climate other yes so you know so on one of the stuff that seeing has been alpha zero stuff which even you know three months later four months later like is already kind of stale almost a lot of the stuff that were working on now we she'll start to see you know as it gets finalized you're relatively shortly it's it's even better than this right it's another another level that we've gained and we're excited to be able to show you soon yeah we're getting close to I mean to really show you like they'll tell you like how excited or how well working together and how much progress we've made I mean we're talking about doing alpha one in at the end of 2018 right and at the rate which we're going I mean we're we're stoked to be able to do this they can confirm their full they can confirm okay yeah yeah it doesn't really count but to go to that first phase you know in quarter four is actually you know it's it's a big deal right it really is it is a big deal and and to be able to you know my favorite thing is really in having watched production cycles of other games in the past and watching you know those games not really hit their schedules it feels good to have our project not just hitting schedules but also hitting them right we're not pushing things where we're pulling right this is how didhow opens that how that doesn't happen very often I've never been a part of a project that has done that before Susie azzam the office everybody's like really well pushing it away because they're all right Lord you know I wanted to see you you know the stuff that we're creating you know in the game and working and yeah just the the speed at that you know that that has been coming together has been pretty amazing a big part of that is a clear vision right like we know what we want to do we know how to do it and so we just do it right there's not there's not a lot of like I don't know if you should do this or maybe this thing over here it's we're doing this thing and we're gonna get it done and that's how we do yeah that's pretty cool another thing is is we're actually you know we announced I think it was a couple of months ago or about a month and a half ago we with the launch of the Intrepid website of bringing on you know growing the team size as we have been doing up steadily we will have an announcement of some new hires that will be coming out over the next couple of weeks so bringing on some very talented individuals I think you guys will see that's only going to again help us push the Ashes of Creation forward the best possible MMO it could be those deadlines and schedules that were moving for s yeah I mean you're gonna continue to see steady growth out of us you know the closer we get to like our big content pushes the more people we're going to need so you know if you have friends who are interested or you know you're somebody who's always wanted to get in just drop us a line when you start seeing those positions open oh yeah absolutely you know we cannot actually understate this the more that you guys as a community can help to spread the word about the project and the studio's the greater the interest / spotlight is put on the project for us to be able to pull from the most talented developers as we already have of the studios but from the industry to be able to do that yeah keep on spreading the words word guys it really it helps us a hundred percent yeah so we wouldn't talk the flivver about this boss that we're saying what is that what are the those jets he's a rock star she's a rock star yeah we actually changed up after alpha0 we were a little bit unhappy with kind of how she played as a boss there so we wanted to amp it up for the alpha 0 testers and so we added some new things that she does she's got an AoE knock back now she's got these kind of I guess Jets of rocking that come up underneath players players have to move out of the way you know there's like fireworks you know it's like I know technics whenever whenever I see those go off I'm like oh it looks like she should be on stage somewhere the guitar rolls works for Ruth so yeah yeah so we just wanted to amp it up add some more Boston store the the push back that you added yeah boss is the the camera the shake yeah it's not the same motion with motion blur yeah yeah yeah we discovered some things in unreal that allows us to do that kind of dynamically as opposed to just relying on sort of environmental stuff oh this is a fun fight Oh actually wasn't that fun because it was six against like a hundred now Jeff is in the city and this looks like they're about to arrayed is about to see to the city so Jeff and I think you only had one group there I had one group I don't know how that happened but you know everybody else was attackers Allah Almighty Karl there's Jeff Jeff sees the onslaught coming and he's running back - cool I think we're watching Tristan on Lord's nod and Tristan really liked those flaming lines and for some reason he would jump into the flame line and just die I know I don't know why I'm not I'm not just jump out of them not into them yeah I agree but I mean just just how smooth everything works so there's many people without any issues or anything is really a good sign for us yeah well I you know what I love about about this right here is that one of the one of the you know I we watched the boards we wash our community we also watch you know forearms on you know RPG calm spop we watch them on red but we watch them on reddit's and and one of the the primary you know voiced concerns about ashes was oh they're using Yui for write using Yui that you can't do an MMO with you before and you know spending time early on our back-end solutions for Yui for and accommodating the amount of players we want to see on on the screen and having good performance both server side and client side you before couldn't have been better and and in our engineers yeah but not have done that I really think they knocked it out of the park on both sides I mean it's it's we've got that big Sears so we get a lot of help from them and there's nothing that you before can't do if you tell it to do it right right you have access to the source code so it's like if there's something that's not working the wait wait we just change it you know that's and it's you know we had to do we did have to change some things right but I mean that's why we have engineers engineers work on the hard problems like that and right now networking wise the number of engineers we have between here and other places working on our back-end solutions I think it's totally so you know being and I'm gonna I'm gonna be a little bit of an epic you know Unreal Engine evangelist right now but you know the engine is remarkable they haven't done a great job epic has and creating an out-of-the-box kind of engine and then giving the developers the tools and the support to facilitate the changes they may need to make right cuz you know no engine is gonna be a 1:1 one-size-fits-all solution right and that's why they gave you access to the source code so that you can make it your solution as you need it right and you've got all these people who have worked on the engine and know exactly what to do with it so they're just a call away and and you know they help us out when we need it right but I mean for real like if we had to do this on our own or if we had to do this with another engine


I don't really know another off-the-shelf engine that would give us as much as unreal as right now absolutely so those tools are just amazing in it just so easy to work with yeah I mean from an artist standpoint right yeah absolutely yeah and you know when when somebody says 'yes like michael just did right that means fast that means we can do things powerfully quickly and again like that's that's that's what it's about you know we're not hampered by you know an old proprietary engine that you know takes eight hours to make and do a simple thing right it's it's right out of the box we're prototyping and making stuff artist level I mean just to get into the shader level of it you know without having to have coders involved and you know I mean we do have that as well but right right you know but I mean there's just so powerful right out of the box you know and just being able to dig your you know hands and do it and be able to get the results that you want quickly which is you know for a production standpoint it's amazing yeah it's invaluable honestly you know a lot of a lot of people are accustomed to to taking a look at games in this state of development and seeing just nothing but gray box and you know a world that is hasn't even begun to work on aesthetics and I'm getting those assets into the engine whereas with unreal and you know Ashes of Creation this stuff here is that equivalent of testing period but it it looks just arting to get there like this is this is even though its first passed it looks great you know I'm really impressed with the artists on this team are super talented and I am you know designers and engineers as well but I'm looking at this guy's no I mean I totally agree right like it's it's it's unreal like what they're able to produce and like how quickly they can produce it and it's like hey I need 12 houses okay here's 34 right like it's so cool to work with artists that are so giving yeah in fact John I think with regards to art we have some art that we could probably show a little bit of now a lot of this stuff is first pass so these are work in progress as part of our transparencies you get to see things as they are being worked on so we can start showing some of that stuff we got here

Showcasing content


these are some of the tribal assets the buildings that Javier parez has been working on I love the textures and materialsyeah very cool else we got yeah Javier's textures are just nuts like these are static images so you can't really see it but when you're in game and you it's like you can touch them they have like this tactile nough stew them that is really cool flooring there I like how the light is capable of coming in from those skylights there oh this is a this is an area that we have not mentioned yet yeah this is my first first first pass on a particular dungeon that has some lore importance behind it but this is a in game that dungeons first pass that Javier is working on yeah I love the via missives on that lava it's so warm like you can motion to so a lot of stuff like you know UV stuff working so it's moving I love it yeah John working on some of that elven housing Alvin yeah oh I love the detailing on the the stair railing yeah there's a good interior looks nice as well the texture is there on that on that wall material some more of the Elven housing John's done I like that a lot the roof roof looks great though

yeah those roof lanes are fantastic yes 

outstanding oh yeah that looks I like the circular architecture for the columns there that was really nice and then they fit well with the the windows yeah right yeah ah this place for me Oh John working on one of the university areas John this place looks great you guys see the the statue there's in a tipos but it's it's a it's a holder placeholder statue the stairs aren't stairs but it's okay downstairs Gramps hey that's handicap friendly hey bacons I was a human housing ass yeah these are huge oh yeah that's a terrier that's the major here the mage tower nice human mage tower looks good yeah definitely was a different flare oh it does I haven't seen these yet oh that looks so cool I think it's very blocky equally very culturally identifiable right yeah I love that the the shapes are kind of housed within the different cultures right and they kind of adhere to that shape language overuse race yes I think it looks great some more than out of sequence we're back back the housing another important thing about these images guys that you're seeing is you know you'll notice that the ground is very plain this is what's called a playground one of the castles of our getting getting ready for Castle sieges in our first phase of alpha one yeah you'll notice that the ground is very plain that's because this is what's called a playground so you kind of take art assets that are being built you throw them into the world so you get lighting on them but it's not in an area that has developed yeah it's not an actual level

it's just our others relative the beginning is the first pass on all the stuff 

yep and so it all loads we call it in and check it out oh yeah these are great this is Jeff Kelly air did some concept in four different weapons I think we have have one-handed sword two-handed sword scepters daggers polearms huh why don't we have three handed three answers wow there's a working for an entirely inappropriate this is wands there ones there what else we got there oh there we go okay accidentally left that one there that's okay though Oh not fast enough then I got some bows we have potion launchers we have wands and shields with orbs and spell books for these concepts on the weapons hello that launchers oh yeah ocean launchers absolutely these are some statues that rotten Richmond has been working on which by the way I love these - yeah Elvis - so that that t-post guy we saw earlier it would be replaced with Lori's right yeah absolutely these are great i f you guys want to vote on it vote on it like sure which one do you like best oh my gosh should we do that yeah oh really this is one of they don't like you they don't everyone but this one this is some sketch work done by Matt groom on some of the character armor that's being worked on right now not sure if it has enough detail yeah really I think that I think on the detail you're totally right no we should have a talk with that guy this is great yeah I love the detail on it it's beautiful that's awesome looks like this is a robe detailing on some of the robe armor I think I think actually Keith Kovak is working on the robe piece no no I think it's come down yeah no it's looking good I think we actually get that in engine yeah you know what the crazy thing is is that these sketches the models look almost identical like like it is crazy how like one for one they are and again that's really thanks to our artists like it is nuts the level they play at yeah and you know and the interesting thing is is kind of the direction of this art is is kind of taking you know it has some Eastern influence some Eastern in these ones but really taking that and westernizing it right creating that kind of as Matt would say real MA look yes westernizing that keep it realistic realistic proportions and stuff but exactly but have the flare and kind of the attention to detail that he might see in like you know nail that environment artist extraordinaire and streamer got my job love it very cool so

Questions from community


so I think we might be able to take some questions from the community how are we going to do that do I have any usually do it well this is true let me see how that could be the case do we have a volunteer moderator that can open up a livestream channel in discord and for those of you if you're not on discord please join our discord we love real-time capability to just jump in there and chat with you guys and get feedback on you know things like this stream today and you know the stuff that we're showing you funny thing we actually have an alpha zero test that's running all week long yeah I'm Friday to Friday it started at two o'clock today so we've got alpha zero testers in there testing we are still doing our raffles yeah for our alpha 0 so you get entries for the raffle by subscribing to our social media by registering on the website this is like our long-term test right yes yeah memory leaks that kind of thing livestream Q&A there we go first question will there be a stuff or tins server we the only stuff or tip that would be amazing just a one-race of stuff that I would play that server oh they look great oh my gosh at 11 next person says crossbows question mark crossbows are baking confirmed confirmed nodes part 3 we are still working on nodes part 3 we want to deliver a nodes part 3 that is to the standard we want and when that is ready you shall see it yeah I just keep keep to sort of explain that a little bit doing videos like that and explanations like that takes resources away from us so it's about trying to find the right time and when people have spare cycles to work on that kind of thing it's not that we're trying to avoid it it's just that it's been busy oh well one of the moderators set the speed oh you already did set the speed very good okay here we go Volker will there be random treasure chests in the world can you feel through something like quest perhaps get a treasure map really I think that might be something we discussed so the answer to that is maybe yeah [Laughter] another thing is even though you know I noticed there was a discussion and discord this morning I did chime in with regards to transparency we want to be transparent in the development of the project but at the same time we play with a fine line of revealing either too much lore or too many system mechanics and that takes away the discovery from the players so while we're transparent in in our progress we don't want to just spoil the game for you so we don't you to feel like on day one that you already played it yeah now you're bored exactly that's perfectly said blade asks will we get to make our character before launch I personally and I think Jeff feels the same way as as bacon that I would like to offer our character creation screen excusing character creation suite before launch and have an opportunity for people to participate in contests for the most cool like character save the character and like have it bring it on when it goes for live yeah absolutely that we what we are going to work for that we very much want you yes absolutely in combat arena absolutely tacky hoes asks how long until alpha zero ends I don't know if alpha zero will ever end yeah I'm trying to think right now we're finding it really useful on on our part like from a technical side because again it's not really about the content that's in it it's about you know testing stability testing optimizations those sorts of things and and we find it really useful for that especially if there's like a big you know server change that we can do if you're on alpha zero first and see what happens all right so it's manned eventually or morph into or morph into something else yeah okay here we go question from scroll up because I think I kind of started at the bottom ninja row in Turbo Studios I'm a computer animation student what should I aim to work on in terms of software and ability because I wish one day to join you guys in the studio and use our tools there you go is what I agree well I think some some good software to focus on as an animator at least what we're doing in the studio's is MotionBuilder Russian builder Maya those are the two primary ones and then of course unreal like getting it depends what kind of animator you want to be right like there's there's kind of different types you can be a technical animator you could be you know a guy who spends your day rigging if you want to really focus on just the mechanics of animation really really spend some time with it right like you should be playing with a sketchbook every day you should be you know you know learning the lingo of animation because there's this whole like Lane would you involved with it and understanding how people move and how to do that efficiently and you know and spending the time yourself really to to focus on learning those software tools right Unreal Engine my motion builder and you know there's some other good ones out there too but spending the time necessary to learn those tools and and don't just hone in necessarily on what you want to do but kind of explore all realms of animation and find out where your passion lies yeah right yeah it's really important cuz you're gonna be doing it eight hours a day for the rest of your life probably so it's really important you don't get burned out on it so you know if you're in school take that time to really really kind of explore that and kind of figure out what makes you happiest and what you can do long-term because you know these aren't easy jobs right like we do it because we love it not because it's easy so you know be prepared for that and look for that thing that really kind of excites you era asks what motion blur be able to be turned on and off also point-of-view POV the answer to motion blur is that is a natural setting and you ignore that you could turn on or off and the answer to that is yes yeah and then a POV you think you have a funny mean by POV the point of view field of you that's a point of view I think like third person first person oh okay yeah I think we're right now you know we're are we are third person view that you can zoom in and out of and I think you know a lot of other games I've experienced you can zoom all the way in until it looks first-person and we may have that same functionality but you won't see first-person animations where like the ocean of you and stuff like that yeah so yeah probably yeah it's it's the get gets weird when you do that and it's probably something you know if you really like it will probably turn on for you but it's not gonna look the best that way and certainly we're not designing it to be played for its person so yes all right so somebody asks what is the difference between daggers and maces and could you equip one of each in a dual wield fashion oh oh so we talked I mean obviously again our designs are intended to be tested and that's what alphas and betas are for but we have discussed having one-handed weapons be interchangeable into dual wielded weapons right and I think maces and daggers would fall into that category of available combination types and the differences between those you know are going to relate to what type of augments can the weapon receive well a mace is going to be focused around blunt based augments and a dagger is going to be more precision based in piercing piercing damage right and they're going to have their own school of augments that may be more beneficial for the type of building character you decided to build right and it may be also that in our weapon progression system which kind of focuses on what now we have is the combo system might change later on those weapons will all have their own progression path as well right and their own applicable titles are intent and as we've mentioned before is weapons are intended to be somewhat agnostic right in the sense that you can find a way for a weapon to be utilized by different classes right now you're not you know not just the robe is going to be able to use daggers because when you restrict equipment through that it makes the economy more difficult to have sustainability across the market of items in the way that we want it to that yeah another dependent on the population of this right can we throw daggers and Michael unbelievable Michael their skills that will allow you to throw a dagger but you'll retain the dagger in inventory oh that's it go now okay let's see core alone asks how can I support you guys as a company and what can I do to up my chances of receiving key without breaking my bank so basically how guys for me without their company without breaking my bank well the answer to that core alone core Corleone is that you know our project will fully fund it so when we come to to create and bring this product to market we have no box cost associated with it we are a subscription-based game so you do not have to purchase into our alphas and betas to generate a game out your participation in the community in and of itself is what we want we want you to be present on discord we want you to watch our streams we want you to Archangel eyes spread the word about the game and really just become a part of the community early on that's what's important to us so you don't have to break your bank at all to support the company and receiving a key we raffle out the keys for alpha zero have another question when we see w hen will we see the other four classes by malgus when we see the other four arc types I will say phase two alpha one mm-hmm yep you'll see an iteration of those arc types of Phase two of alpha welcome okay sinner asks will there be global announcements for world-changing events or will it be something that spreads through players it's really hard to picture right now ideally so ideally I would love that stuff to pass through players but there are really important events that kind of need to repeat that people need to have awareness of right like when a castle is up for attack right we need to tell everybody about that no it seems castles right l ike those things those things are necessary legendary world boss attacking triggering the city but not caravans right not a local note event there there may be other events that are kind of you know we play with and we don't announce but again it's it's about finding the right right balance between those two things because if we don't tell anybody about something that does that this happening then the consequences of that are kind of like almost shitty right like like we don't want to know disappearing off the map and everybody was asleep when it happened and nobody had an opportunity to sort of counter that right so so yeah I mean it's it's about the event and and what specifically we're talking about some things we do want to pass through player word-of-mouth other things we will announce so we have a question from Valen what will the maturity of the game feel like I'm not asking for a hyper gory mess as that isn't needed nor tasteful but I find games often going far too soft edge then I understand it from the business aspect of appealing to all crowd young old I'm simply wondering if quests NPCs will swear if the vibe of some of the areas are gruesome if some dungeons are dark certainly not asking for an 18 plus game but something that doesn't make adults feel a bit childish sometimes is welcome question from Stalin you've seen all the scouts dead at the end of the yeah that's a good point that's a good point actually in the video that was there there were some scouts at the end of that quest line that were dead yeah and their bodies were on the ground and there's blood all around blood around them yeah plus I work on the project so nobody's topic it's gonna there's gonna be enough seriousness right like we want things to sort of have weight to them we problem we won't be swearing in quests I can't imagine that we would necessarily need to I think it depends on how you're if you get me if you give me free rein but I don't I don't think it's necessary to get that kind of stuff across and having to like rely on swearing to get that point across so you probably won't be seeing that but there definitely is a darkness to it the antagonist in this game are definitely dark and that kind of imagery we're not going grimdark at all but there are parts of it that that get that way yes we capture things really pulled open skinned and oh my gosh and that has a little face on it no face those are pretty gruesome they were gruesome they're something concept but not an execution I think okay you know I mean like if you thought about it you'd be like oh yeah that's nasty exactly okay a question from the ulnar fast-travel auto pathing or just use mounts so we've said before there is no there's very little teleportation in the world and some of that does get unlocked through metropolis is of a certain type additionally there are mounts that are faster travel and then there is there going to be services that kind of are fast travel between nodes yep that are available that have been built that have been built right there's not gonna be any auto like go to Waypoint or whatever the right correct okay let's see here we go next one how does saving a name work for the backers is it like people with higher packages go first I feel like that's fair so when we do implement our name reservations that we offered through Kickstarter and I believe is also offered in the intrepid pack on the pre-order store the way that'll work is it'll come by order of tier first and each tier will get access to the name reservation before the chair beneath them and then so on in it and when that when that functionality becomes available as we draw closer to beta that will get exposed on the website let's see hatsue he asks do we already know the monthly price for subscription yes we do the monthly price for subscription is fifteen dollars per month question from iRobot the blue phoenix I didn't get my key from the April 4th livestream make sure to submit a ticket on the website with our CS and you should get that if you did one who knows well sue the logs let's see what they say let's see harbinger do you plan on making an app to receive world event notifications talk to friends and item management good question that's a great question I think we spoke about this before on one of the other streams but the answer to that is yes there will be an application on your phone for players to download and it'll give them that kind of data right yeah they'll get willed event notifications of notifications that pertain to their citizenship and/or houses yeah they'll be able to change out perhaps some crop rotations maybe interact with the game in some ways right like we're not quite there yet and some of it may come post-launch but certainly the game itself is what our focus on but we do want people to interact with the game on their phones when they're away from the computer and we're gonna do as much as we can to make that cool Rivi says tell us more about potion launchers well potion launchers were accidentally put on to the art thing that you saw there Michael Bacon did it let go bacon I don't know where they came from may or may not have accidentally done that so I don't even know what a potion lingerie uh-huh yeah it's like a real gun and I'm we will reveal more about the different weapons as we move forward yeah okay uh let's see what type of PC was the demo running on it looked amazing but I'm wondering the price range to run it I believe that was running on a 970 yeah right 970 okay we will do one last question very good and then after that question it's party time it's nice it's party time no well actually yes technically it would be party time because will raffle ten keys oh yeah let's do that so answer that one guys question there girls boys yeah there you go whatever it is boom okay last question I want to try to find one that's not a repeat question from previous streams Stephen we can see your face oh you can't say let's see here we go a lot of these questions are the same from other things all right I'm just trying to find last one he gets you really yeah it's difficult here we go cavalry pique asks well he says okay this isn't we've had this question before sort of but he says what are some of the challenges we're facing currently okay I mean yeah it's always hard because we both it's the challenges are not big ones right so you know for us like maintaining the culture is a big important thing for us so we're we're very careful about who we hire and sometimes that can be a little bit slower than we'd like but you know that's just us that's just a general growth right right yeah I mean a shows up creation is a very large project probably the most ambitious MMO that I have ever even heard of honestly and you know we're going to have to grow to a considerable size I mean have it having right now over 70 people working on the project is great right but in reality that number is going to be probably closer to about 200 yep at the apex yeah and getting up there both from a talent as well as a cultural fit is something that as Jeff said we're very discerning about because it is part of our successes of studios and being able to deliver on time or ahead of time or at the quality that we're delivering has to do with this the streamlined approach of the studios that's facilitated by the culture and the team oriented attitude towards delivering a product that we all can be proud of and that you guys can be proud of and we want to make sure that it is as seamless as possible here inside videos on the development side in in making that product this friction between people creates friction on implementation like we need people to be on the same page at all times and and agreeing with with the overall vision right when when ego start getting involved and you know people have chips on their shoulders that brings everybody down and so it's really important to us that as we grow you know we continue to have sort of really super positive forward focused yeah absolutely I would say my probably my challenge in addition to that I think is just general growth challenge but I think my challenge is probably you know our transparent development process as I've said before is a two-edged sword we're able to interact with the community and get real-time feedback and show you guys progress from a year ago to today and you guys can get excited about that but it also leaves us open to some falsities that may get misinterpretation yeah that might get propagated out in the you know Reddick wherever there are you know ever they lay there are some false assumptions that are made based on what we show people who may not follow the project as accurately so that's why I really rely on you guys as a community to take information that you hear here you see here and spread that information from the horse's mouth right exactly to horse no okay to take that information and to spread it so that people can really see the promise that's present in this project and can come and be a voice in development because the more voices we have on discord or the forums or here at stream the better it is for us as developers to kind of take that feedback and run with it yep so I think I think that's that's it for today guys



we will have another stream next month about I don't know when the data is but we'll announce them but yeah everything is going great here at the studios we have a lot of fun and exciting stuff that's coming your way very soon trademark does not include potion launchers does not include oh okay unbelievable maybe it includes potion launchers but yeah we hope you guys enjoyed today stick around because we are going to raffle off 10 keys for alpha 0 we are running our alpha 0 server all week our first straight 7 days of alpha zero that we're doing actually right on the surface it's pretty exciting yeah come break stuff with us break it break it hard and we will see you guys next time stick around for that raffle take care guy ready [Music] oh not that one there you go okay guys now now we're up now we're out okay guys we have to raffle here let me let me take a look here yeah we're gonna raffle the raffle code or the raffle phrase is is may the fourth may the fourth be with no no let's just do be with you be with you just just be with you be with you may the fourth be with you ISM a the fourth for me the fourth order may the fourth or be with you doesn't matter decide the one okay you know we really need to get a think this one through wait what are we doing okay that's fine we could do the raffle keys I know I have to grab a notepad here we go there we go okay I've got it all right I'm grabbing the first two winners are stam nation and ray bond Sam nation ray vaughan congratulations the next two winners are BD Greaves and Mikey mark BD breeze and Mikey mark that's like Marky Mark but Mikey next two winners are acidic paradise and fly on the bread acidic paradise why on the Brad I know those are actually those are pretty good name that goes next one is you guys gets you bye bye Michael filming me you get to see the dirty studio's right now this is peter the softs desk it needs to be cleaned next two winners are Sandor maths Mathis and s boot Z Sandor Matt this and s boots deep okay and the last two winners are last two winners our chicken lover Dan chicken lover Dan and not really Asian love it in a good lover Dan not really Asian alright congratulations guys those are our 10 winners we'll see you next time on the Ashes of Creation live stream take care everybody [Laughter] oh wait where is the OBS [Music]