Template:Giantslayer Banded Armor

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Giantslayer Banded Armor was a costume cosmetic skin in a pre-order pack.[2]

To battle the leviathans of Verra, a Giantslayer must don armor that does not compromise their agility. They must be fleet of foot, quick to strike, and flexible enough to scale great heights. For them, Giantslayer Banded Armor offers the greatest protection available. Composed of thick leather bands covered in deadly iron spikes, this armor will deflect damage from massive blows, while its formidable spikes dissuade any colossal foe from seizing them in the midst of battle. This remarkable armor also features a built-in harness and climbing tools for scaling the backs of behemoths, giving truly audacious Giantslayers the opportunity to get up close and personal![2]