Siege participation

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Non-registered combatants are not permitted on the siege field in castle or node sieges.[1]

  • Players may choose to respawn at their HQ as long as they are registered.[4][7]
    • Non-registered guilds are not granted the ability to take ownership of the castle if victorious.[4]

Lower level characters will have usefulness in mass combat that does not depend on their level, such as manning siege weapons, helping repair fortifications, bringing proximity-based buffs to key positions, using stealth or scaling walls. These types of things are relevant to the tide of battle and do not require the player to be max-level or have high combat stats.[9]


There's node sieges and castle sieges: I think the castle sieges will be more structured towards a guild element and having some structure there. Neither will be instanced in the sense of what an instance actually is, which is taking you out of the open world and putting you into your own shard of existence. But both will be in the open world. But there will be participation structure in sieging castles. With regards to the open siege on nodes, really the only structural component there and participation has to do with what what node you're a member of, what node you're a citizen of. That will restrict your participation to a particular side.[10]Steven Sharif

Assedi in Ashes of Creation refer to:

The risk versus reward relationship, when, say for instance, you've dedicated time towards building a node and other players have dedicated that equivalent time towards sieging the node, there's going to be a pitched battle between those players... They spend that time doing this because they care passionately about having access to that content.[13]Steven Sharif

Server prime-time

Gli eventi PvP basati su obiettivi come assedi al nodo, assedi al castello, guerre di gilda, e guerre ai nodi accadranno durante le ore di punta tra le 3 e le 9 di sera orario del server. Tutto ciò deve essere testato.[14][15][16]

  • Le guerre di gilda e le guerre ai nodi possono essere dichiarate in qualunque momento, ma gli obiettivi appariranno soltanto durante le ore di punta.[17]

Siege alliances

When a siege begins, temporary alliances are formed among attackers and defenders.[18]

  • For node sieges, citizens of the node or provincial nodes being attacked are automatically registered as defenders.[19]
  • There are many reasons to participate as an ally in the attack or defence of other nodes.[20]
    • Titles.
    • Items.
    • Materials.
    • Money.
    • Social bonds.

Many incentives exist that can benefit your node and yourself personally by participating in the attack or defense of cities. These range from titles, to items, to materials, to money. Additionally, aiding others may help you strengthen bonds when your assets are threatened.[20]Steven Sharif

Spectating battles

The ability to spectate battles, such as Assedi is being looked into.[21]

One of the issues I did have about that system in Lineage 2, was like certain people just have alt accounts logged in and tuned into that thing; and like they would then utilize that information. Which, I guess is a means of information gathering. But it's maybe too easy of one. So we're - like i said - we're just looking into that. I haven't decided on that yet.[21]Steven Sharif

See also
